Medical Marijuana Distributors Being Shot and Robbed for Drug
The medical marijuana industry is attracting the same violence and confusion that any “pusher” on the street might experience. The recent break-ins and shootings over marijuana in Washington state...
View ArticleSeton Hall Ball Player Shot in Robbery
Basketball players and other athletes, professional or not, have it rougher off the courts and fields than on it. They must feel like the safest place for them is when they’re actually playing the...
View ArticleYouth Publicizing Crimes on YouTube is National Epidemic
Media outlets of all kinds are talking about the worldwide distribution of various crimes committed by the youth of America. A lot of the people in the YouTube videos have been arrested and detained....
View ArticleSan Francisco Ends Month-long Manhunt for Man Who Brutally Kicked Woman...
The brutal robberies throughout the country like that of the man who robbed and beat a woman unmercilessly in front of her toddler daughter in her New Jersey home are growing. During a gay pride event...
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